Apex Enrollment is the second step in setting up Claims in TheraNest.
Apex Enrollment does two things, 1) enroll with Payers that require EDI Enrollment, and 2) enroll with ERAs for your Payers. You will enroll as an Individual (Type 1 NPI), a Group (Type 2 NPI), or as a Combination (Type 1 NPI AND Type 2 NPI).
Before you enroll, be sure that you subscribed to Claims with TheraNest. Then complete the following steps:
STEP 1: Enroll with Apex in TheraNest.
- Enroll as a Individual (Type 1 NPI)
- Enroll as a Group (Type 2 NPI)
- Enroll as a Combination (Type 1 NPI and Type 2 NPI)
- I'm not sure how I should enroll.
STEP 2: Process your Enrollments - The Apex Enrollment Team will reach out to you within 2 business days of your Enrollment and will then work with you to complete your Enrollments with each Payer. They will also help navigate any rejections.
STEP 3: Payer Approved - After the Enrollment has been completed processed and your Enrollment is verified as Approved, you can switch your Payers to Apex in TheraNest and begin billing!
Apex Enrollment FAQs
I completed the Enrollment Survey, how will I know if Apex EDI has received it?
After you submit your Apex Enrollment Survey you will see a Thank You screen - This screen lets you know that the form has been completed. No further action needs to be taken at this time.
How long will it take the Apex Enrollment team to contact me?
The Apex Enrollment team will contact you within 2 business days and then will work with you to complete your Enrollments. -
Once I fill out the forms, how long will it take for my enrollment to be approved?
Enrollment times can vary depending on the insurance company and how quick you are to respond to you. Speak to the Apex Enrollment team for an approximate timeline. -
Can I get ERAs for Insurance Companies I am not credentialed with?